Monday, September 17, 2012

Traffic Safety doing its job!

In a study conducted by the WA state traffic safety commission, they pulled data on traffic fatalities and segmented it by county: this is a graphic for Spokane County-

There is alot of data to go through but the Trend is that the overall population of drivers, the amount of miles driven and the # of new licensed issues continue to rise while the overall number of traffic fatalities are decreasing in Spokane County-- by a staggering 22.7%  however the job is not complete as the # of motorcycle fatalities has increased by a SUBSTANTIAL amount in our county-

Remember to look twice for motorcycles and lets work to see that number on the negative trend as well!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Testing is coming!!

The word fromt he DOL has been dropped and it look like the preliminary date to start driving schools with testing will be January 1, 2013

To our knowledge, the DOL will be offering a pilot program to only those schools located in King county (feel sorry for us on this side of the state) The pilot program will help work out some of the "bugs" that will be inevitable with this type of implementation. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well with the pilot. We are working hard to get everything up and running so that we can start testing you guys ASAP!

Keep up the practice, PROTECT THAT BUBBLE and be ready not only to learn but be tested at All Seasons!